
If you have any questions join #self-host on discord.

Step 1: Environment variables

Unsend depends on AWS ses to send emails and SNS to receive email status. Along with that it also depends on Postgres as a database and Redis for queue. Copy the .env.selfhost.example file to .env and fill in the values.


AWS credentials

tl;dr: Login to your AWS console and create a new user with programmatic access. Attach the AmazonSNSFullAccess and AmazonSESFullAccess policies to the user. Then create a new access key for the user.

Add the following environment variables.


Follow this for detailed steps: Create AWS credentials


Github app credentials for login

Usend uses github authentication for login.

Use this link to create an github app

Callback URL : https://<your-unsend-instance>/api/auth/callback/github

Add the following environment variables.

If you want email/password login, please help us out with the code

Database & Redis

Unsend uses Postgres as a database and Redis as a queue. You need to create a new database and add the following environment variables.

If you’re using docker-compose or our railway template, it’s all automatically done for you.


Next auth url and secret

Url is the app url you’re going to use and secret is random string. You can generate a random secret using this command.

openssl rand -base64 32

Add the following environment variables.


Step 2: Setting up the app

You can use any platforms that supports docker. You can also use the railway template. In this example I’ll be using railway. If you have any questions drop in the discord channel and i’ll try to help you out


Follow this guide to setup your docker instance: Set up docker


This option is very easy. Click on the below button and click “Deploy now”. Add a custom domain etc.

Updating image is easy, click on the 3 dots and redeploy. This will pull the latest image.

Your unsend instance is now live now.

Step 3: Setting up a region

In order to send emails, you need to select an region in aws. Use a region where your users are located / where unsend is hosted. If you’re confused just use us-east-1.

You can check available regions here

Once you logged in to unsend, it will prompt you add ses configuration.

  • Add the region
  • Add the callback url, which is basically the app url. Note this should be accesible from internet. This is how you get the delivery status of the emails.
  • You don’t need to update the send rate, it’s automatically based on your account.

Step 4: Getting out of sandbox mode

Don’t forget to get the SES account out of sandbox mode.

Next steps

You’re all set up now.

  • Setup a domain.
  • Create an API key.
  • Start sending emails.

If you have any questions, please join #self-host on discord.